Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Paul De Grauwe Author-Workplace-Name: London School of Economics and Political Science Author-Email: p.c.de-grauwe@lse.ac.uk Author-Person: pde1077 Author-Name: Yuemei Ji Author-Workplace-Name: University College London Author-Email: yuemei.ji@ucl.ac.uk Author-Person: pji81 Title: Fighting Inflation without Massive Transfers to Banks Abstract: The major central banks now operate in a regime of abundant bank reserves. As a result, they can only raise the money market rate by increasing the rate of remuneration of bank reserves. This, in turn, leads to large transfers of central banks' profits to commercial banks that will become unsustainable and renders the transmission of monetary policies less effective. We propose a two-tier system of reserve requirements that would only remunerate the reserves in excess of the minimum required. This would drastically reduce the giveaways to banks, allow the central banks to maintain their current operating procedures and make monetary policies more effective in fighting inflation. Classification-JEL: E42, E52, E58 Keywords: central banks, inflation, bank reserves, remuneration Pages: 80-101 Volume: 23 Issue: 4 Year: 2024 File-URL: https://hitelintezetiszemle.mnb.hu/sw/static/file/fer-23-4-st5-de-grauwe-ji.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:mnb:finrev:v:23:y:2024:i:4:p:80-101